
Facade Grant Program for Downtown Businesses and Property Owners

Mar 6, 2019

Main Street Hanover recently received funds to open up another round of facade projects in downtown Hanover. This program is a great opportunity for anyone within the Main Street District.

What is the Façade Grant Program?

The program is a financial incentive program to help rehabilitate commercial buildings in Main Street Hanover’s Designated District. Main Street Hanover, in partnership with the Borough of Hanover and the Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce, was awarded a grant for a Façade Improvement Program from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development. This program allows qualified commercial property owners and tenants within the designated district of Main Street Hanover, to be reimbursed for façade improvement projects.

How much money can I get for a single project?

Maximum reimbursement of $5,000 per commercial property per project, and must be matched dollar-for-dollar by the applicant. Projects must be paid for by property owner or business tenant at the time the work is completed, and the façade grant funds will come as a reimbursement for that project. Main Street Hanover was awarded $50,000 in grant funds to give away in this round of funding.

How do I apply?

Applications are downloadable below.

What is the deadline for application?

All Applications are due May 31. Applications submitted by that date will be reviewed in June. All applications submitted after May 31 will be rolled into another application round. Submit your application via email to or in person at the Main Street Office – 146 Carlisle St., Hanover, PA (also the Hanover Chamber Office).

How does my project get final approval for the grant funds? Who reviews the applications?

The MSH Design Committee reviews and approves all projects. They meet the first Thursday of every month. Decisions must be made at the committee meeting and façade grant applicants are encouraged to attend to discuss their project with the committee. The committee follows the state approved design guidelines when making decisions of eligibility.

How long does the approval process take?

Approvals of applications take place during the regularly scheduled MSH Design Committee meetings, which occur monthly. If the applications are complete when submitted, projects can be approved typically during one meeting. If there are questions regarding the project and its scope of work, or the application does not contain all the necessary items when submitted, the process will take longer.

Can I start working on the project after I submit my application?

No, projects that have begun before final approval from the committee will not be eligible for the grant program.

A full FAQ list, the Downtown Design Guidelines, and application can be found below.

Facade Grant Program FAQ
MSH Downtown Design Guidelines

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